More than 80 New Year parties authorized in Benguela

José Honório-ANGOP
José Honório-ANGOP
More than eighty New Year celebration parties are already authorized by the authorities, in the ten municipalities of the province of Benguela, ANGOP learned this Tuesday.

In statements to ANGOP, the director of the Provincial Office of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports, Pascoal Luís, made known that so far the municipalities of Benguela, Lobito, Catumbela and Baía Farta have 15 legalized parties each.

Raising the possibility that the number could increase, the public manager urged event promoters to comply with the law, namely requesting authorization for the planned activities, under penalty of punitive measures being applied to them.

Party promoters are warned that they require authorization from municipal administrations and, in some cases, special cases, from the Culture Office", he reinforced.

And warn that New Year's Eve parties must be held between zero and five o'clock in the morning.

Pascoal Luís also highlighted that his institution is working in close coordination with the ten municipal administrations of the province of Benguela in the process of legalizing new year celebrations.

In the case of New Year's Eve parties with more than 500 participants, he made it known that it is the responsibility of the Culture Office to respective authorization.

Similarly, it also drew the attention of party organizers to the need for approval from the National Police and Civil Protection and Fire Services, to take care of security issues in the places where the activities will take place.

Pyrotechnic show On the other hand, the provincial director of Culture said that fireworks will be launched in around two dozen New Year's Eve only in the municipalities on the coast of Benguela.

For this reason, it guarantees that the locations have already been inspected by the Civil Protection Services and the National Police, with a view to assessing security issues.

In addition, the head of Culture added about the holding of New Year's Eve services by congregations religious in the province of Benguela.

He also took the opportunity to appeal to citizens who intend to hold New Year's parties at home to request authorization from their municipal administrations, as they will use powerful devices capable of causing noise pollution for the neighborhood. JH/CRB news/society/authorized-more-than-80-new-year-parties-in-benguela/

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